ausTin Brazilian zouk and lambada

Austin Brazilian Zouk and Lambada is a dynamic cultural initiative that aims to promote and celebrate the rich heritage of Brazilian Zouk and Lambada dance forms within the Austin community.
Historically unrepresented, our project seeks to bridge this gap by integrating these vibrant dances, which have gained international acclaim, into the local cultural fabric. Through inclusive and accessible programming, we strive to preserve cultural heritage while fostering community engagement and personal growth.
Our primary goal is to foster inclusivity and cultural appreciation through Brazilian Zouk. By making dance accessible to underserved communities and enhancing participants' understanding of different cultures, we aim to strengthen community bonds and support personal growth and well-being. We prioritize accessibility by offering free or subsidized participation for those from lower-income backgrounds and providing specialized sessions for the visually impaired.
Austin Brazilian Zouk and Lambada Cultural Heritage Project Work Sample 3
Austin Brazilian Zouk and Lambada
KiZouk in the Dark at REST Fest

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